Get started

Create a test account

Once approved by our Business Development team, Nuvei for Platforms will be able to provide you access to our Sandbox environment. The Sandbox environment is for testing your integration with Nuvei for Platforms. For instance, if you want to create a new seller account, you can test that in our safe Sandbox environment without consequences. In order to do so, we need the following information:

  • Your IP address where we can expect the API calls to be made from
  • The email addresses from the users who want access to the Nuvei for Platforms (Sandbox) dashboard
  • Nuvei for Platforms will share the API keys accordingly.

Account structure

Below are all types of accounts in the account structure on the Nuvei for Platforms platform


  • The highest level account from the platform
  • When you sign up with Nuvei for Platforms, a merchant account will be created in your name
  • A merchant account can have multiple divisions
  • For instance, “Nike” could be a merchant account, in which the divisions could be “Nike Netherlands”, “Nike Belgium”, “Nike Germany”, etc.


  • Divisions sit under the merchant account
  • Each division can have its own configurations, such as currency, sellers, etc.

Seller/Account holder

  • Account holders: the technical term we use to describe sellers on your marketplace
  • Sellers sit under the division accounts
  • For instance, the division could be “Amazon”, the sellers/account holders could be “Adidas”, “Puma”, etc.

Each division and seller/account holder have a virtual account and one or multiple external accounts:

Virtual account

  • This account will be created by Nuvei for Platforms for you
  • Your balance will be managed on this account. For instance, your marketplace will receive the commission allocated to you via this account according to the split payments that are sent
  • Your seller can also receive the commission allocated to them via this account

External account

  • The account to which you can withdraw your balance from your virtual account, this could be your PayPal, your bank account/IBAN, etc.
  • Your sellers can also withdraw their balance from their virtual accounts to their external account(s)

Configure PSPs

In order to set up a new PSP with Nuvei for Platforms you will need to go through the following steps.

Configure IBAN

Configure Nuvei for Platforms IBAN as the account to receive/hold funds with your PSP:

  • Nuvei for Platforms IBAN: NL98 ABNA 0865 0932 96

Settlement reports

Retrieve the settlement reports from the PSP. Nuvei for Platforms will retrieve these settlement reports daily.

Checkout.comGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions
MollieGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions
AdyenMarketplace requests SFTP server access
PaypalGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions
AmexMarketplace requests SFTP server access
BuckarooGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions
KlarnaGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions
StripeGenerate API key on dashboard with read-only permissions

Build your integration

Start building your integration using your test account on our Sandbox environment. Use our API explorer to discover our API’s and learn how to onboarding your sellers, send us split payments and trigger payouts.

Sign the contract and go-live

Once you have signed a contract with our Business Development team, you can start building the integration. From our side, we will start collecting documentation from you in order to fully onboard your business with Nuvei for Platforms.

As a payment service provider, we are required to perform Know Your Customer (KYC) checks on your company, ownership structure and business activities before onboarding you to our systems.

This requires us to gather the following documents from you:

  1. Completed Nuvei for Platforms KYC Form
  2. Company verification documents
  3. Identity verification documents
  4. Company account bank statement

1. Nuvei for Platforms KYC Form

The Nuvei for Platforms KYC Form will be sent to you by our Sales Agent during the contracting process. It includes basic questions about what business you do, where you are based, and who the related individuals of your company are.

2. Company verification documents

We require documentary evidence to verify the legitimacy of your company. Please provide us with the following:

  1. Copy of Extract from the chamber of commerce;
  2. Articles of association;
  3. Incorporation statement; or
  4. Similar documents* (see below)

* Validity: Documents must have been issued in the last 1 year. In case of incorporation documents older than 1 year, they must be accompanied by a statement that they are still correct and accurate.

* If you do not have any of the standard documents due to special circumstances, please contact us in order to determine together how we can satisfy this requirement.

3. Identity verification documents

Identity verification documents are required for:

  1. UBOs of the company*;
  2. Managing directors of the company;
  3. The individual signing the contract on behalf of the company with Nuvei for Platforms.

* UBO = Ultimate Beneficial Owner, natural person who owns at least 25% or represents at least 25% “decision power” of the company and benefits from the proceeds earned by the business. Please note that entities-shareholders cannot be UBOs and if your company is owned by another company, we are required to identify their shareholders.

Types of Identity verification documents

  1. Company extract from Chamber of Commerce - if the individuals whose identity we need to verify are registered with the Chamber of Commerce, an extract that shows their personal details and authority towards the company is sufficient.
  2. Passport - copy/photo of passport picture page required and all personal details and MRZ must be clearly visible.
  3. ID card - copy/photos must be provided of both the front and back and all personal details must be clearly visible.
  4. Driving license - copy/photos must be provided of both the front and back and all personal details must be clearly visible.

Please pay attention that personal identity documents are:

  • Valid.
  • Not damaged.
  • Clear and readable.
  • Fully captured in the copy/picture

Please note that in certain cases we may ask you to provide copies of personal identity documents, even if the individuals are registered with the Chamber of Commerce.

4. Copy of company bank statement

You must submit a copy of a bank statement of the bank account belonging to your company, to which payments will be made. The requirements for a bank statement are:

  • Name of account holder must be clearly visible
  • Full IBAN must clearly visible
  • Information such as account balance, transaction amounts or descriptions can be masked out.