
The dashboard allows you to view your transactions, sellers, balances and payouts nearly real-time (there is a 5 minute delay in the dashboard). The dashboard is available for both your Sandbox and your Production accounts. To get access to the dashboard please contact support@payaut.com or ask your implementation manager.


Once your dashboard user is created, you will receive an email with a password reset request. Please ask our support team or your implemenation manager in case you require more users to be created for your organization.


On the home page you will find your own (division) codes and balances.

  • Division code = the code of the accountHolder for your marketplace
  • Virtual account = the code of the virtual account for your marketplace
  • Confirmed balance = total commission that is reconciled
  • Pending balance = total commission that is not reconciled
  • Payout balance = available balance that can be paid out (reconciled balance after deduction of pending refunds)


The transactions page will show you all the splits you have sent to the Payaut system, including information such as the reference, seller(s), total amount, the status of the split, PSP and payment method used, PSP reference and the creation date.

Read more about our payment statuses


The sellers page allows you to find data on any seller in the system, including the KYC status and the balances. By clicking on a seller, you open the seller details page. This page will give you more information about the KYC tier your seller is in and it gives you access to the KYC data.


The payouts page will show you all the processed and pending payouts.


The reports page allows you to find as well as create and download reports. For merchants using scheduled payouts, reports are generated automatically. Read more about report types here.


Find your Payaut invoices. We will automatically deduct the Payaut fees from your division balance on every first day of the month.


Find your Payaut pricing. Please contact your sales manager at Payaut if this is incorrect.