Account | Balance matching an account code that is assigned to a Seller |
Account Code | Unique code of the seller that reflects the seller inside our system |
Balance | Amount that is registered on a specific account |
Bank Statement | Export of debit and credit transactions of foundation account |
Bookkeeping balance | Virtual balance that is registered on a specific account that is ready for payout |
Business | Legal entity that is a Business |
Division | Part of the merchant where orders are clustered in. Could be based on shop, region county etc. |
Default Account | The default account is a deposit in transit account that keeps track of the reconciled transactions if all transactions are reconciled this amount should be zero |
External Account | IBAN or Bank Account number where balance of seller or merchant needs to be transferred to |
Foundation Account | Nuvei for Platforms escrow account where all debit and credit transaction of the merchants are added and subtracted |
Ledger account | An account created in the bookkeeping that keeps track on debt and credit transaction comes in pending and confirmed ledger accounts |
Legal Entity | Type of Seller (Private Individual or Business) r |
Merchant | Merchant of Nuvei for Platforms where order is placed. The merchant send us the splits, payout requests and accountholder details |
Merchant Account | Account where the balances ment for the merchant are booked on. This can be seen as income for the merchant |
Payout Batch | collection of Payout items that together form a batch to be exported to ABN AMRO. Once uploaded status change too “in progress” once subtracted from bank account status change in “completed” |
Payout Batch Status | Answer on payout batch. Status types are: Open, Ready, In Progress,Partially Failed, Failed and Complete |
Payout Items | Formed out of collected “accepted” payout request that once added as Payout item creates a payout initiation ready to process in a batch |
Payout Items Status | Answer on payout item. Status types are: Waiting, Assigned, In Progress, Complete, Failed |
Payout Platform | Platform Nuvei for Platforms is using to collect the Pay-in (split payment, psp settlement report and bank statement and Pay-out information (Payout request) |
Payout Requests | First step in payout process where system or merchant instruct a withdrawal of a balance. This instruction is validated and answer of instruction request is answered with a payout request status |
Payout Requests Status | Answer on payout request instruction Status types are: Waiting, Accepted, Rejected,Failed and Processed |
Private Individual | Legal entity that is a natural person that doesn’t reflect a Business |
PSP Settlement Amount | Total sum of orders, refunds and psp fees containing the psp settlement report that can be expected on the foundation account |
PSP Settlement Report | Report received via API from PSP that contains all orders and refunds made on the platform of the merchant. (daily, weekly or monthly) |
Seller | Seller on the platform of the merchant |
Split Payment | Order that needs to be divided into two or more entities. |
Split Payment Instructions | Split instruction on how to divide a incoming order send by the merchant via API call |
Split Type | Type of behaviour of adding or subtracting the balances |
Reconciliation | Investigate and match of the split instructions are received together with the matching psp settlement report of this split and matching bank statement of this psp settlement report. |