Split refunds

When a refund is triggered, both the PSP and Nuvei for Platforms need to be informed in order to handle a refund sufficiently. The PSP will withhold the funds from the next settlement, and Nuvei for Platforms will allocate the missing funds according to the split data.

For instance, you can either trigger a full refund or a partial refund. For the full refund, the full amount of money paid by the buyer is refunded back to the buyer’s account. For the partial refund, depending on the split data, a part of the money paid by the buyer for the items they purchased might be refunded, but money the buyer paid for the VAT and the commission fee might not, depending on your marketplace’s rules.

When sending a refund split, the original reference of the split has to be provided. This means that the amount of money paid for the items (such as, t-shirts, etc.), for VAT, for commission to the seller and the marketplace, etc. need to be provided.