Seller invoices

Nuvei for Platforms provides the option to generate the invoices for your sellers automatically. These seller invoices will be send on a monthly base, beginning of every month, and will consist of 2 reports:

  1. A .PDF of the actual invoice
  2. An .xls that shows all reconciled transactions that belong to this invoice.

Ask Nuvei for Platforms support for example files.

Seller invoice PDF

A description of the invoice below

RevenueRevenueAll reconciled splits that were created in the invoice period
RevenueRefundsAll reconciled refund splits that were created in the invoice period
RevenueNet salesRevenue minus Refunds item
FeeCommissionThe commission fee that was charged by the marketplace
FeeHandling feeAdditional handling fees that are charged by the marketplace
FeeDeficiencyAdditional fees that are charged for not delivering service/goods
FeePlatform discountFees that are charged for not delivering service/goods
FeeSubtotalTotal amount for the transaction
FeeVATTotal VAT amount that has been charged on all your orders. This amount is withhold by the marketplace.
FeeTotalTotal amount for the marketplace
Total amount (Net Sales - Total Fees)Total amountNet sales - Total Fees
Total Paid Out this monthTotal Paid Out this monthTotal amount of the payouts combined for this seller in the invoice period