
Use webhooks to get real-time updates Nuvei for Platforms uses webhooks to notify you when an event happens in your division.

How to use webhooks

Please follow the next steps in order to make use of the available webhooks:

  • inform support (
  1. which webhooks you want to use
  2. Share your HTTP endpoint (URL) where you want to receive the notifications

Available webhooks

Update of KYC status Every time a seller’s KYC status changes, Nuvei for Platforms will share a notification. The webhook will contain information about the status change, if new KYC data is needed and a hosted onboarding link that can be shared with he seller to collect the necessary data.

Update of Payout Status Onc a status of a payout request changes, Nuvei for Platforms will share a notification. Read more about this in our API documentation under Webhooks.